A New Volunteer?
The Fun's Always Better with Family or Friends!
What are Orders?
Begin your time with The Grey Tavern by creating an Order.
An Order is a group of individuals who enjoy doing activities together and each other's company. This can be your family, friend group, work group, etc.
The individuals in an Order work together by contributing their Veracity - gained through various activities - to the whole Order. The benefits could include:
- The Order receiving Dragon Merit Points and unlocking dragon rewards
- Stronger gameplay with your Order in Grey Tavern games
- Competing for a higher Order rank
- Ability to maintain Order rank against those who would seek to take it from you in a challenge.
Orders are EXTREMELY important in The Grey Tavern. It is only through Orders that we can reward you for your contributions. Individual efforts are not rewarded if you are not part of an Order. By the way, did we mention the rewards are DRAGONS?
To learn what Orders do and how they are beneficial for you, check out the 8 Order Types, Roles, Activities, and Benefits below.
How to Create an Order
There are two different processes for Family Orders vs other types. We'll start with Family Orders.

Make sure everyone in your Order can come to the Order creation! Orders are designed for you all to have fun together, so let's get started on the right foot by having everyone there!
Schedule your Order creation by either calling or emailing us! We looking forward to helping you get your Order created!
Phone #: 208- 206- 1206
Email: casimir@greytavern.com
***Minors can never be in an Order that they’re parents are not part of. They can participate in Grey Tavern games and activities if they wish, but until their parents join the Grey Tavern and the family starts an Order, they do not receive Veracity for any of their efforts.***
Continue the Path Toward Becoming a Grey Tavern Volunteer
For more Order information, you may keep reading this page.
However, The Grey Tavern will be discussion much of these things with you during the Order creation processes described above.
Start Step 2: Become an Official Volunteer
Table of Contents
How to Make Orders Successful and Fun
How to Gain Veracity and Dragon Merit Points
The 8 Order Types
Generative Order

Generative Order Veracity
Every activity or project you do will give you Veracity. Your Veracity heavily influences the power and influence you have as an Order in The Grey Tavern.
As a Generative Order, you will get to be a fantastical creature called a Berascin. Berascin are the strongest and mightiest of the Order type creatures in the world of Anaes. They are the leaders or forerunners that lay the foundation on which the other Orders and Order creatures can even begin to function.

A Berascin's might is shown in their size. They are the largest of all Order creatures. And the Generative Order of highest ranks, known as the High Generative Order, is the largest and most powerful of them all.
As a Generative Order, the Veracity you earn is what gives your Berascin their power. If you increase your Veracity, you grow in power and can compete to take a higher rank in the Generative Order hierarchy. If you do not gain Veracity, you will decrease in your ability to defend your rank and another Generative Order may take it from you.
You will also have opportunities to role play as these creatures together, handling matters of Anaes with your powers.
Veracity Reports
You may sometimes need to fill out reports for doing a least beneficial activity. We HIGHLY recommend still recording least beneficial activities.
You will not earn Veracity if you lie about which activity or donation type you performed when making a submission on the Order Veracity Report.
Here’s how to fill out the Order Veracity Report form.
Eternal Order

Eternal Order Veracity
Every activity or project you do will give you Veracity. Your Veracity heavily influences the power and influence you have as an Order in The Grey Tavern.
As an Eternal Order, you will get to be a fantastical creature called a Fenix. Fenix are the most skillful and precise of the Order type creatures in the world of Anaes. They are the crafters and teachers that make things - objects, concepts, etc - into something of use according to its potential.

They are the second largest of all Order creatures, after the Berascin. And the Eternal Order of highest ranks, known as the High Eternal Order, is the largest and most powerful of all the Fenix.
As an Eternal Order, the Veracity you earn is what gives your Fenix their power. If you increase your Veracity, you grow in power and can compete to take a higher rank in the Eternal Order hierarchy. If you do not gain Veracity, you will decrease in your ability to defend your rank and another Eternal Order may take it from you.
You will also have opportunities to role play as these creatures together, handling matters of Anaes with your powers.
Veracity Reports
You may sometimes need to fill out reports for doing a least beneficial activity. We HIGHLY recommend still recording least beneficial activities.
You will not earn Veracity if you lie about which activity or donation type you performed when making a submission on the Order Veracity Report.
Here’s how to fill out the Order Veracity Report form.
Eternal Order Clarification
This is not an Order for people simply getting together to do homework together.
The only way this qualifies for this Order is if each individual is participating in the same homework activity, learning and discussing the topics together, and truly learning together, not simply sitting next to each other.
Experiential Order

Experiential Order Veracity
Every activity or project you do will give you Veracity. Your Veracity heavily influences the power and influence you have as an Order in The Grey Tavern.
As an Experiential Order, you will get to be a fantastical creature called a Sabre. Sabre are the most explorative and curious of the Order type creatures in the world of Anaes. They are the examiners and testers that evaluate the worth and usefulness of a creature or thing by placing experiences before them.

They are the third largest of all Order creatures. And the Experiential Order of highest ranks, known as the High Experiential Order, is the largest and most powerful of all the Sabre.
As an Experiential Order, the Veracity you earn is what gives your Sabre their power. If you increase your Veracity, you grow in power and can compete to take a higher rank in the Experiential Order hierarchy. If you do not gain Veracity, you will decrease in your ability to defend your rank and another Experiential Order may take it from you.
You will also have opportunities to role play as these creatures together, handling matters of Anaes with your powers.
Veracity Reports
You may sometimes need to fill out reports for doing a least beneficial activity. We HIGHLY recommend still recording least beneficial activities.
You will not earn Veracity if you lie about which activity or donation type you performed when making a submission on the Order Veracity Report.
Here’s how to fill out the Order Veracity Report form.
Endless Order

Endless Order Veracity
Every activity or project you do will give you Veracity. Your Veracity heavily influences the power and influence you have as an Order in The Grey Tavern.
As an Endless Order, you will get to be a fantastical creature called a Fuiron. Fuiron are the most self-sacrificing, kind, and caring of the Order type creatures in the world of Anaes. They are organizers and orchestraters of many of the activities of the lesser Orders. Most of the lesser Orders are and exist to some degree or point to serve this Order.

They are the smallest of the Order creatures given so far. And the Endless Order of highest ranks, known as the High Endless Order, is the largest and most powerful of all the Fuiron.
As an Endless Order, the Veracity you earn is what gives your Fuiron their power. If you increase your Veracity, you grow in power and can compete to take a higher rank in the Experiential Order hierarchy. If you do not gain Veracity, you will decrease in your ability to defend your rank and another Experiential Order may take it from you.
You will also have opportunities to role play as these creatures together, handling matters of Anaes with your powers.
Veracity Report
You may sometimes need to fill out reports for doing a least beneficial activity. We HIGHLY recommend still recording least beneficial activities.
You will not earn Veracity if you lie about which activity or donation type you performed when making a submission on the Order Veracity Report.
Here’s how to fill out the Order Veracity Report form.
Other Orders
The next 4 Orders will be announced at a later date.
How to Make Orders Successful and Fun
The key to both success and fun with your Order is simply to do.
Every action members of your Order take and do can gain benefits for the individual and Order. Things Order members can do are things such as:
- Activities done together (games, Grey Tavern projects, participating in Grey tavern approved events, etc)
- Order members fulfilling tasks and projects for Volunteer Role Path positions
- Activities done with friends, family, and others not a part of the Grey Tavern
In addition to Grey Tavern activities being fun and enjoyable to participate in and play, Orders and Order members are rewarded through Veracity (game experience) and Dragon Merit Points.
Gaining Veracity and Dragon Merit Points
Essentially, Veracity is how The Grey Tavern can see each volunteer’s individual efforts toward the cause of The Grey Tavern.
The Order Veracity Reports you submit after EVERY activity are used to calculate the Veracity each Order member receives from their efforts every week. Veracity Reports are submitted individually. So, Veracity will be recorded individually as well as an Order Veracity Score that is the total of all Order members’ Veracity scores.
Doing activities that focus on an Order type’s most beneficial donation types (listed above) will generally have the greatest effect of increasing Veracity for players and the Order as a whole. However, other donation type activities are still encouraged for you to participate in and doing so will only give you more Veracity.

Note: An Order may have more or less members than shown in this diagram
How to Earn Veracity
1. Fulfilling Order Role Responsibilities
The Order Roles of Master, Judicator, Dean, and Lord (described in more detail under Order Roles below) have different responsibilities that help an Order to flourish.
Fulfilling and reporting on completed Order Role tasks is a great way to gain Veracity.
2. Fulfilling Volunteer Role Positions
Within the Grey Tavern, each volunteer has the opportunity to serve and be in charge of a certain aspect of The Grey Tavern. Here are some of the roles we offer:
- Lorekeeper
- Sopher (Law keepers)
- Gaman (Game makers)
- Scriveners (Writers)
- Schema (Artists)
- Seamsters (Costume Designers)
- Bakers
- Confectioners
- Barkeepers (drink makers and bar keeps)
These roles are done individually, though Order members can fill positions in the same volunteer role if they wish.
However, all Veracity earned through individual volunteer efforts is recorded in an Order and is only beneficial if you are in an Order.
3. Playing Grey Tavern Games
Playing Grey Tavern games is another chance to earn Veracity.
This fun way to earn Veracity is a great way to get to know your Order better as well as other Orders.
4. Participating in Grey Tavern Activities and Helping Others
In addition to your own Order Role and Volunteer Service Roles, you can always help others within your Order or out of it with either or both of their roles, when appropriate.
You should never do the role for them, but you can assist. For example, if there is a Grey Tavern event coming up, you can reach out to the organizer to find ways to assist.
Orders can also propose projects they’d like to do and run in Order to earn more Veracity.
Dragon Merit Points
High Order Veracity can lead to Dragon Merit Points.
The Dragon Merit Point System is designed to provide ways volunteers and other contributors to The Grey Tavern can show off artifacts, trinkets, and other reward objects based on what they’ve built and created.
The rewards for this system are dragon objects and artifacts - even dragons themselves can be rewards - which are obtained through accumulating Dragon Merit Points.
Dragon Merit Points are earned ONLY if your Order Veracity Score for that week is over the average Veracity Score of all Order Veracity Scores for that week.
Learn more about the Dragon Merit Point System (Link)
Order Roles
Before jumping into the Order Roles, we need to clarify that Order Roles work differently between family Orders and other Orders.
For family Orders, Guardians can shift role assignments as regularly as needed to those within the Order as per the needs of the situation, which child you feel or think would do best at that moment with that role, etc.
For other Orders, only 4 members can hold 1 of these 4 roles. Unless an individual that holds one of these roles is not fulfilling their tasks, leaves the Order, and a few select other reasons, those Order leaders will always hold these positions. These Orders will be asked to select who holds the 4 leadership Order Roles before their Order becomes an official Grey Tavern Order.
Order Role Responsibilities
The Master is the leader of your Order.
They can see what tasks and matters carry the most weight, influence, and options for success. As such, the Master is the member of your Order who holds the responsibility of deciding which tasks your Order will move forward with and which you will not, or which are most important for the Order. They should of course get the input of the Order, but the final decision rests with them.
The projects that a Master wishes to submit must be approved by:
- The Order members
- The Grey Tavern (How to Propose Projects)
The Judicator is the judge and rule keeper of the Order.
They work closely with the Sopher Volunteer Role Path. They report the verdict of their responsibilities to a Sopher that is assigned to their Order, and they remove or give Strikes to their Order members with approval from that same Sopher.
The Judicator typically reports the allegations to a Sopher. In doing so, the Judicator is responsible for explaining what happened and how it violated Grey Tavern rules. If rules are regularly broken in a Judicator’s Order, they are held accountable because they failed to either convey the rules to their other Order members or allowed the infraction to occur.
A Judicator cannot fulfill their role if they do not know the rules. Reading the rules and becoming familiar with them is something that can be recorded through the Order Veracity Report for Veracity. If this is abused as a way to spend too much time studying rules and not participating in other activities or using it as an easy means of acquiring Veracity, this policy will be removed.
If a Judicator has a history of not knowing the rules, it would be best for the Order to find a new Judicator.
The Dean is the role of knowledge and perception in the Order.
They tend to quickly find a voice of authority or a method of success quickly that others in the Order may have difficulty finding or lack a desire to go down an already proven path. They help an Order move in a more expedient manner in order to acquire the Veracity scores and Dragon Merit Points they are seeking together to acquire.
The Lord is the inspirer and often acts as the face of the Order.
The Lord excels at interpersonal communication and relationship building. They keep the Order’s spirits high. They also help their Order to have good relationships with other Orders.
They, in many ways, are the keepers and reminders of the Order’s goals and why the goal exists. They use this to help Order members to be passionate about their activities.
Maintaining an Order: Order Activities and Frequency
What Constitutes an Order Activity in general
In order for an Order to maintain good standing, they must:
- Hold a Order activity at least once a month
- The activity must be at least 1 hour
- Each of the 4 leaders of the Order were involved and in attendance. Everyone in the Order needs to be invited. These activities can be held physically or digitally, but everyone must still be doing the activity together.
If an Order does not hold an activity at least once a month, that Order can be challenged for their position in their respective Order type’s power hierarchy. For example, a Generative Order can have their position challenged and taken by a lower Generative Order.
Order Rank
Order rank is determined by two factors:
- Start Date (Order Creation date based on the Leave Your Mark completion date)
- Effort and dedication to your Order versus effort and dedication others show to their Orders
The more Veracity you gain, the more likely you are to be able to challenge the Order of a rank directly higher than yours if your Order Veracity score is equal to or greater than theirs.
Order Ranks are as follows:
- High
- Grand
- Lower
Each of the Order Types has their own hierarchy and can only challenge Orders within their own hierarchy. For example, Generative Orders can only ascend in the Generative hierarchy, not an Eternal, Experiential, or Endless hierarchy.
Orders can lose their hierarchy rank in two ways:
- They lose a challenge from the Order directly below them
- If they dissolve their Order
Dissolving an Order is when the members of the Order choose to separate for various reasons.
Order Activities
There are 3 types of fun activities Orders can do in addition to performing a Volunteer Role and working on approved projects.
1. Leave Your Mark
After beginning an Order, the first thing your Order needs to do is undergo the process known as Leaving your Mark. Here’s how:
Within the first week of their creation, Orders should craft an insignia or mark and an Order password.
Do not ever tell anyone what your Order password is unless they are within your Order. This will be the phrase login quote used on the backend or the password used to gain access to your Order Assembly’s information within The Grey Tavern. We recommend that your password be fairly short, but it can also be a phrase or expression instead of a single word. You’ll want to make it sound cool.
- Your Order, in order to formalize your Order mark, must complete one of the approved Grey Tavern challenges. These challenges are never malignant, malicious, or dangerous but are done to help aid the community and to help provide a fun starting memory for the formation of your Order. Discuss with the Grey Tavern what options there are for a Leave Your Mark activity.
Importance of Where Your Leave Your Mark Endeavor is Delivered
Once your Order has completed the Leave Your Mark activity, the place of your marking should be recorded and then submitted to the Grey Tavern.
In future games, this will actually be your starting location as it pertains to how the game works.
Additionally Orders, once a mark has been left and a location designated, other Orders then must arrive and pay respect to the new Order with a providing of an offering of tasty treats, friendly song, or something of that nature. There will be future in-game benefits as well as, in the future, Orders that honor a newly formed Order will receive great benefits for assisting a new Order in game, helping them get a good head start into the game.
Once an Order assembly has been honored by at least 7 Orders or two weeks have passed, they will attain the second Order rank.
2. Revelries (coming soon)
3. Order Adventures
Order adventures are hosted at The Grey Tavern every Friday and Saturday from 5 pm - Midnight.
During these adventures, you play as one of the Faeries– beings of magnificent elemental and spectral power. As you adventure through the treacherous world of mortals, you are tasked with a single goal: Bring order to the chaos.
The Educational Purpose of Order Adventures
People can set up and are encouraged to set up adventures for their Order based on things they have all or individually have struggled with that week.
Order Adventures for people - individuals and families - to work out their conflicts and ascertain the best path forward in their own lives with the help of their friends in their Orders.
What to Expect
These are role play adventures that typically take an hour long to play. However, if multiple slots are available or if an Order has reserved a paid donation slot, these can go longer.
In these adventures, you are not playing the role of a mortal. Rather you are using all your respective powers and abilities to help influence mortal actions for the better. The Faeries you play are the races you unlock with each Order you are a member of.
Reserve an Adventure Slot
You can schedule an adventure by calling the Grey Tavern and scheduling a reservation.
Reservations should be made at least 12 hours beforehand. Each hour from 5 - Midnight is a slot that an Order can reserve.
As guiding an Order Adventure can take a lot of work, we encourage Orders to tip their Guide through a small donation to The Grey Tavern. But this is in no way required.
Order Unlockables and Options
The Order that you select brings with it a particular creature that you play as. Players are allowed to join a number of Orders, however, you should play as the creature belonging to the Order you are playing with for that specific adventure. The magnitude of the power of that creature is dependent upon the rank of that Order.
Order Character Customization
To allow as many as possible to enjoy the Grey Tavern adventure experience, we purposefully make the adventure experience free to play and enjoy. However, as a nonprofit organization, we cannot continue to exist or continue without donations and contributions made by its patrons.
With that being said, all Order races possess a number of free racial variations that those within their Order can choose. There are also several racial variations that can be purchased, not just for individuals but the variations are also unlocked for the entire Order to have access to.
These racial variations do not have any gameplay advantages or disadvantages; however, they do possess canonical different variations in aesthetical elements.
Order Rules
- Strikes can only be given within the parameter of Strike rules and not according to a Judicator’s individual dictate. Sophers will review any instances of Strikes being given and must approve the removal of a Strike.
- The Dryad must approve all Revelry activities and verify that an Order is qualified for the next Revelry.
- If you try to uncover or reveal a person’s real identity behind any Grey Tavern name, you will be removed from The Grey Tavern server and games. This is done to help protect the identities of all volunteers within The Grey Tavern to better keep the personal information of participants safe.
- Your Order must be approved by the Dryad. If your Order must acquire a new member, that individual must also be approved by the Dryad. If the individual is not approved, a Dissolution occurs.
- An Order should never approach a business leader, local government official, or any community leader in the name of The Grey Tavern.
- All Order activities an Order participates in should be one everyone in the Order wants to do, expect individual volunteer opportunities. No one in the Order should be/feel coerced, pressured, or manipulated into joining an Order. Each member should be excited by the activity and willingly volunteer.
- If coercion or manipulation is used to convince a member to join an Order, evidence should be presented first to the Order’s Judicator, who will judge the situation. Evidence includes pictured evidence and witnesses.
- If the Judicator is not able to make a decision or his or her judgment is called into question, the Dryad should be contacted by the Order’s Judicator. The person who should contact the Dryad if the Judicator’s judgment is called into question should be the Order’s Lord.
- If disputes arise between or toward any of the leaders of an Order, try first to resolve it within the Order. If that fails, report the situation to a Sopher or the Order’s Guardians, if it is a family Order. This can also be the procedure for issues with other Order members outside of leadership roles.