As a Family
As a Patron family at The Grey Tavern, you can expect 3 things in addition to "base" patronage.
1. Everything is oriented towards families
All Grey Tavern games, resources, activities, volunteer efforts, etc. are all designed for the family to do together, to learn and grow together, and to understand each other's behavior to a great and more unified degree.
This is done in many ways. Here are some of the primary ways:
- Giving each parent and child in game roles that are designed to match the needs, desires, and behaviors of each individual. This is done to show in a more plain and understandable manner the unique personality and behaviors of family members, the strengths and weaknesses of their personalities and behaviors with the goal of helping family work together in a more unified way, and to learn these things in a safe environment, where the consequences are only in game and not in the real world- where consequences can be more detrimental.
- Personality quizzes. These itemize a person's behavior and personality according to The Grey Tavern's in depth breakout and analysis of these things in what are called Behavioral Nutritional Development Guides. These are based on current and tested behavioral knowledge, theories, and principles. However, as this is a new presentation of many of these factors, we are still working on putting them in the right placement and understanding so families can utilize Behavioral Nutritional Development Guides to help themselves and children grow through behavioral knowledge being shared in an itemized, comprehensible fashion. All Grey Tavern games are designed to help showcase each individual element of an Behavioral Nutritional Development Guides.
- Take-home Resources. Although still in development, The Grey Tavern is working on an Behavioral Nutritional Development Guides for ages 4-12. As these are the principles games are based on, the Behavioral Nutritional Development Guides will help Guardians (parents or parent-like individuals) to see to a greater extent what the game is teaching and how best to foster and aid the child in ways they are developing. This is just one resource. More will be coming the future.
2. Family Organization for Rewards and Character Progression
Families are organized into Orders. Minors cannot receive benefits from playing Grey Tavern games or participating in Grey Tavern events or volunteering until their parents (or parent-like figures, as per the family's situation) have joined The Grey Tavern and the family has made an Order.
Orders allows:
- Families to grow together within The Grey Tavern programs and activities
- Parents to know exactly what their children are doing and learning
- Families to, eventually, have locations in the community that are their to claim as their Order's location, and others where families can meet other with similar interests and aims to their own
- And much more!
3. Focus on Younger Families
In these beginning stages of The Grey Tavern, its games and related content are focused primarily on younger families with children ages 4-12.
There is some content made of older age groups in the form of YA games. Games for other age groups and demographics are coming!
Although games focus on young families at this stage, they are fun for others to play, so feel free to give them a try!