Game Assets (PDFs)
Spell Rules and Instructions (Full)
Grey Tavern's Goal for Grey Tavern Activities and Spells
How to Make Spells
How to Incentivize Bixis to Make and Keep Goals through Spells
Activity Spells and Free Creature Trackers
(Order: Red Wolf (Female then Male), Brown-Patched Wolf (Female then Male))
Purpose of Spells
Spells are for Guardians. They are:
- Tools for Guardians to incentivize personal growth and goal keeping in their Bixis
- Tools that help a Bixi to see the benefits and drawbacks of activities they participate in
- A process by which Bixis are rewarded for keeping goals. The reward comes in their bonded creature being “filled with energy” so the Bixis can play Grey Tavern games that are fun and educational
Spells utilize the Hakim the Bixis are learning to connect them with creatures from Anaes. Each Spell is a brilliant amalgamation of a Bixi’s unique personality, the benefits and drawbacks of activities Bixis engage in on a daily or frequent basis, and a potency judgment made by a Bixi’s Guardians on the benefits and drawbacks of an activity.
As these Spells are created, mystical, arcane paths extend from the Bixi to the Grand Symbiote creature sleeping beside them until 8 delicate paths have been connected in one form or another. Some paths are stronger and thicker than others. This is done by the Guardians who use their phenomenal power to strengthen the good and best paths.
How Spells are Made
There are three ways to approach Spells:
- Simple
- Advanced
- Complex

Spell Circle Front

Spell Circle Back
Upon returning from the Character Hunt, the Bixi and their Guardians return to The Grey Tavern. Upon their return, a Grey Tavern employee or volunteer will conjure the Spell Circle. This Spell Circle will contain the 8 Hakim powers organized in a circle.
Step 1: Start with Physis- Refer to the Question Guide below for questions and question ideas that are appropriate to Physis and activity you and your Bixi are discussing
- After asking several questions of your Bixi pertaining to Physis (so you have more opportunity to learn what possible benefits and drawbacks the Bixi’s activity might include), do one of the following:
- If you think this activity has Physis in it, draw an X in the Physis circle, over the word.
- If you do not think an activity has Physis, do not draw an X in the Physis circle
- On the back of the Spell Circle, write down specific notes or details on your thoughts on Physis in this activity. Think of this as instruction or things you’d like babysitters, grandparents, teachers, or others who you entrust the care of your Bixis to from time to time or regularly.

Marking an X
Step 2: Memor through Valere- Follow the same pattern as you did with Physis for all of the Hakim in the Spell Circle
Upon returning from the Character Hunt, the Bixi and their Guardians return to The Grey Tavern. Upon their return, a Grey Tavern employee or volunteer will conjure the Spell Circle. This Spell Circle will contain the 8 Hakim powers organized in a circle.
Step 1: Start with Physis- Refer to the Question Guide below for questions and question ideas that appropriate to Physis and activity you and your Bixi are discussing
- After asking several questions of your Bixi pertaining to Physis (so you have more opportunity to learn what possible benefits and drawbacks the Bixi’s activity might include), do one of the following:
- If you think this activity has Physis in it, draw an X in the Physis circle, over the word.
- If you do not think an activity has Physis, do not draw an X in the Physis circle
- Rank the Hakim by coloring in the white circles according to how potent Physis is in that activity. Do NOT rank a Hakim if you have not put an X in it. Refer to the Advanced Ranking Guide below to see how Ranking works.
- On the back of the Spell Circle, write down specific notes or details on your thoughts on Physis in this activity. Think of this as instruction or things you’d like babysitters, grandparents, teachers, or others who you entrust the care of your Bixis to from time to time or regularly.

Example of Marking an X then Ranking the Hakim Category for that activity
Step 2: Memor through Valere- Follow the same pattern as you did with Physis for all of the Hakim in the Spell Circle
Upon returning from the Character Hunt, the Bixi and their Guardians return to The Grey Tavern. Upon their return, a Grey Tavern employee or volunteer will conjure the Spell Circle. This Spell Circle will contain the 8 Hakim powers organized in a circle.
Step 1: Start with Physis- Refer to the Question Guide below for questions and question ideas that appropriate to Physis and activity you and your Bixi are discussing
- After asking several questions of your Bixi pertaining to Physis (so you have more opportunity to learn what possible benefits and drawbacks the Bixi’s activity might include), do one of the following:
- If you think this activity has Physis in it, draw an X in the Physis circle, over the word.
- If you do not think an activity has Physis, do not draw an X in the Physis circle
- Rank the Hakim by coloring in the white circles according to how potent Physis is in that activity. Do NOT rank a Hakim if you have not put an X in it. Refer to the Advanced Ranking Guide below to see how Ranking works.
- On the back of the Spell Circle, write down specific notes or details on your thoughts on Physis in this activity. Think of this as instruction or things you’d like babysitters, grandparents, teachers, or others who you entrust the care of your Bixis to from time to time or regularly.

Example of Marking an X then Ranking the Hakim Category for that activity
Step 2: Memor through Valere
- Follow the same pattern as you did with Physis for all of the Hakim in the Spell Circle
Step 3: "Evil" Hakim
The darker Spell Circle at the bottom of the Activity Spell page is used to identify and Rank the drawbacks of an activity. This is optional for Guardians to do, but it does help to provide Guardians and Bixis with a more complete knowledge and understanding of what a Bixi is exposed to in their activities.
These "evil" traits represent bad things that we have learned in one or another. These are traits that the Dark Guardian, as grand protectors of the Realm, must help Bixis “remove” so "evil" does not enter the Realm of Anaes. Just like the good energy above, the bad will transfer over to the Grand Symbiote. The Dark Guardian is responsible for resolving these “evil points” through challenges that help Bixis learn how to appropriately identify, deal, and even negate these evil things the next time they interact with them. More information will be shared on this as more gameplay for the effects of evil points and how the Dark Guardian can use his power to resolve them is developed.
If you wish to do this Spell Circle, here is how to complete it:
- Mark an X in the evil circle that corresponds with good circles that have been marked.
- Rank only the evil Hakim marked with an X. Refer to the Complex Ranking below to see how to do this.
Question Guide
The Question Guide is simply a list of questions that you can ask your Bixi. You may come up with others, but they should fit the same theme and type of questions shown in this Question Guide so the Hakims are not mixed up, misinterpreted, or misunderstood.
Sport or Other Physical Game or Activity
- Are you building your physical strength?
- Are you building up your body’s endurance?
- Does this activity motivate or lead you to consume healthier food?
- Are you allowed to rest during these games or activities?
Video or Other Online/Virtual Game or Activity
- Does this game or activity show you or indicate in some way the health of your character?
- Does this game or activity show you other metrics or meters that indicate your physical wellbeing?
- How do you regain health?
Learning or Educational Activity
- Does this activity teach you about your body and how it works?
- Does it teach you practices for helping your body recover and heal?
- Does this activity teach you about good foods for your body?
- Does this activity teach you about practices that keep you safe?
Sport or Other Physical Game or Activity
- Do you practice skills pertinent to the game?
- Do you use a skill repeatedly in this activity?
Video or Other Online/Virtual Game or Activity
- Are there skills you acquire and develop?
- If so, how do you develop them?
- Are there skills you as the player need to develop to be good at the game? If so, what are they?
Learning or Education Activity
- Does this activity teach about ways to build up muscle memory?
- Does this activity teach and give opportunity to develop new skills or to further develop skills you already have?
Sport or Other Physical Game or Activity
- Which of your senses does this activity need to you to be able to participate in it?
- Are any of your senses challenged by the activity?
Video or Other Online/Virtual Game or Activity
- Which senses does the game use?
- How much are you able to see around you?
- Are there certain visual indicators that mean you’ve been successful, should go in a certain direction, or other indicators?
- Does the game change the way you see?
- How much are you able to hear?
- Are there specific sounds that indicate certain things?
- How much are you able to feel in the game? Do the controllers shake or anything at a certain time?
- Are you able to smell in the game? Are their indicators of what you’re smelling or tasting?
Learning or Education Activity
- Does this activity teach you about your senses?
- Does this activity help you learn how to better use your senses?
- Does this activity give you exposure to new sights, smells, sounds, or tastes?
Sport or Other Physical Game or Activity
- Does this game or activity teach you to identify another person’s skills and talents?
- Does this game teach you how to itemize another’s physical capabilities and how to use them to be successful in the situation?
Video or Other Online/Virtual Game or Activity
- Does this game give you objectives to find food, water, or other necessities for yourself or others?
- Does this game or activity allow you to learn about the needs and wants of others?
Learning or Education Activity
- Does this activity help you learn about the needs of others?
- Does this activity help you learn about the wants of others?
Sport or Other Physical Game or Activity
- Does this activity give you the opportunity to push yourself and learn the value of effort?
- Does this activity help you foresee potential obstacles and how to overcome them?
- Does this activity teach you various ways or paths to succeed at an objective?
- Does this activity teach you to understand other’s goals and objectives?
Video or Other Online/Virtual Game or Activity
- Does this activity give you the opportunity to push yourself and learn the value of effort?
- Does this activity help you foresee potential obstacles and how to overcome them?
- Does this activity teach you various ways or paths to succeed at an objective?
- Does this activity teach you to understand other’s goals and objectives?
Learning or Education Activity
- Does this activity give you the opportunity to push yourself and learn the value of effort?
- Does this activity help you foresee potential obstacles and how to overcome them?
- Does this activity teach you various ways or paths to succeed at an objective?
- Does this activity teach you to understand other’s goals and objectives?
Sport or Other Physical Game or Activity
- Does this activity teach you about duty or the importance of doing your part?
- Does this activity encourage you to take time to rejuvenate so you can come back with more power and energy
- Does this activity have an exchange that motivates you to pursue a task such as earning money, tools, titles/ranks, etc?
- Does this activity teach you how to build good, positive relationships with others that help you rejuvenate?
Video or Other Online/Virtual Game or Activity
- Does this activity teach you about duty or the importance of doing your part?
- Does this activity encourage you to take time to rejuvenate so you can come back with more power and energy
- Does this activity have an exchange that motivates you to pursue a task such as earning money, tools, titles/ranks, etc?
- Does this activity teach you how to build good, positive relationships with others that help you rejuvenate?
Learning or Education Activity
- Does this activity teach you about duty or the importance of doing your part?
- Does this activity encourage you to take time to rejuvenate so you can come back with more power and energy
- Does this activity have an exchange that motivates you to pursue a task such as earning money, tools, titles/ranks, etc?
- Does this activity teach you how to build good, positive relationships with others that help you rejuvenate?
Sport or Other Physical Game or Activity
- Does this activity help you to feel more fulfilled? Are you doing things you like to do? Why do you like them?
- Are there things you have to do or overcome, or a mindset you need to be in, for the activity to be fulfilling?
- Is there a specific part of the activity that gives you more fulfillment than another or that you like more than another?
- Is there a specific process or individual you need to go to in order to complete the parts you like about this activity?
Video or Other Online/Virtual Game or Activity
- Does this activity help you to feel more fulfilled? Are you doing things you like to do? Why do you like them?
- Are there things you have to do or overcome, or a mindset you need to be in, for the activity to be fulfilling?
- Is there a specific part of the activity that gives you more fulfillment than another or that you like more than another?
- Is there a specific process or individual you need to go to in order to complete the parts you like about this activity?
Learning or Education Activity
- Does this activity help you to feel more fulfilled? Are you doing things you like to do? Why do you like them?
- Are there things you have to do or overcome, or a mindset you need to be in, for the activity to be fulfilling?
- Is there a specific part of the activity that gives you more fulfillment than another or that you like more than another?
- Is there a specific process or individual you need to go to in order to complete the parts you like about this activity?
Sport or Other Physical Game or Activity
- Does this activity give you ways to learn or discover new things that you like?
- Is the goal of the group or your goals, or both, more important for this activity?
- Describe ways you get rewards or positive outcomes through this activity.
- Do you work with others in this activity? If so, how do you play with them?
Video or Other Online/Virtual Game or Activity
- Does this activity give you ways to learn or discover new things that you like?
- Is the goal of the group or your goals, or both, more important for this activity?
- Describe ways you get rewards or positive outcomes through this activity.
- Do you work with others in this activity? If so, how do you play with them?
Learning or Education Activity
- Does this activity give you ways to learn or discover new things that you like?
- Is the goal of the group or your goals, or both, more important for this activity?
- Describe ways you get rewards or positive outcomes through this activity.
- Do you work with others in this activity? If so, how do you play with them?
Ranking Guide
1 = “Junk Food”; the Hakim exists in the activity but it’s only has light nutrition or lightly teaches the principle Hakim
2 = “Content with It”; you are thrilled at the level or magnitude of how much or how well the Hakim principle is taught, but there is some value.
3 = “This is Good”; not the most education, but you are pleased about what the activity does to teach or give exposure to the Hakim principle.
4 = “I am Ecstatic”; the Bixi is learning a specific principle really well through this activity and you wish your child would choose this activity when specifically trying to learn this Hakim principle.
The Complex method utilizes the Ranking in the Advanced method for the Good Spells. These should be done before Ranking the Evil Spells
Guardians should Rank these by asking question that determine if there are dangers or things Guardians don’t want taught to Bixis.
1 = “Low Hazard”; You are confident in your Bixi playing this
2 = “Potential Risk”; You feel like there is something wrong or off with this particular principle in the activity, but you aren’t quite sure what it is.
3 = “Yellow Flags”; There is one of more yellow flags in the activity. This activity should be done with supervision or rules with consequences set in place if certain things are done in the activity or done without supervision.
4 = “Fatal Flaw”; there is something very wrong with the activity or something(s) that my Bixi should not be exposed at all. Your Bixi should not play or participate in this activity.