Questing Details
Interactive Quest
This quest is a non-interactive.
Location Hours:
WinterHelm Academy (BYU-Idaho)
6:30am - 10:00pm (Weekdays)
9:00am - 8:00pm (Weekends)
Quest Information
Quest Introduction:
Missing Person! Professor Bramblebranch has gone missing. He is a Satyr that teaches music in the orchestral halls of Winterhelm college. He has curly hair, short horns, and usually has his reed flute handy.
Adventurer Quest:
~Find Professor Bramble Branch!
~Report your findings in the "Missing Professor" Quest Report.
Heroic Quest:
~Complete all Adventurer Quest objectives.
~Report correctly what has become of Professor Bramblebranch in the "Missing Professor" Quest Report.
Where to Start:
~Professor BrambleBranch should be found in one of the following areas:
- The Orchards of Winterhelm (BYU-Idaho Orchards
- The Orchestral Hall of Winterhelm (The Snow Building)
- The Winterhelm School of the Arts (The Spori Building)
- The Winterhelm Gardens (BYU-Idaho Gardens)

Continue Only After Quest is Complete!
Missing Professor Quest Report
Quest Conclusion:
You receive a letter from the Lieutenant Bluich. It reads:

Dragon Bond: Janus
You are approached by a young dragon shortly after receiving the letter from Lieutenant Bruich. The small cub like yearling studies you with keen silver eyes. He then clears his throat and requests:
Would you like to accept a bonded dragon scale from Janus, the silver lung? This will allow you to use some of Janus' Lunamancy in the future, in exchange for allowing Janus to draw upon your inner magic.
Quest Comlete!
Return to North Forge