School Rules and Organization
The efforts of all four types of Schools focus on making ideas and dreams a reality. These will through completing what are known as Lower Majesties. What these look like for each School will be described in the section called Peris Assemblies.
- Peris Assembly or Assembly: Your team. An Assembly must always consist of 4 people. The term Peris Assembly is the title of your Assembly at the rank of School. Throughout your Assembly’s time within a School, you ascend or descend through three different ranks depending on which of the Schools you participate in. As you do, you are working to unlock and develop your Peris creature. Each School has a different Peris creature to unlock. In order to unlock this creature, your Peris Assembly must not suffer a Dissolution.
- School: The umbrella term for all four School ranked organizations: Guild, Craft, Fief, and Domain.
- Dissolution: When your Assembly dissolves due to lack of action by all or an Assembly member(s), breaking of rules, or an Assembly member or entire Assembly choosing to leave the Assembly.
- Sprite Name: The name chosen by an Assembly to represent them as a whole. This is also the name of the Peris creature your Peris Assembly unlocks, which will be playable by all four members of your Assembly. Sprite Name refers to the names of those within Orders, Schools, Houses, and Clans.
- Ascendancies: A School organization structure in which the progress of Assemblies moves upward via competitive acquiring of higher and higher titles and positions until your Assembly stands at the top of the other Peris Assemblies in your School.
- Descendancies: A School organization structure in which the progress of Assemblies moves downward as Assemblies refine themselves and their skills into the specialty of their choice.
- Lower Majesty: Reference to a Title your Assembly can receive as well as the name of the project, goal, aim, or competition that the Tier 1 Peris Assembly in your School sets for your School to complete. Throughout the majority of this document, Lower Majesty refers to the second definition. As each Lower Majesty is different per School Type, reference the School Type Descriptions below to see the various types of Lower Majesties.
- Lower Majesties must be approved by your House Jiniri or Jinn, depending on which one you report to. A representative of the Jiniri or Jinn can also approve the Lower Majesty. (NOTE: Until the roles of Jinn and Jiniri can be filled, any reference of Jiniri or Jinn below means J.R. Casimir and Septimus Jack)
- If you try to uncover the identity behind a Sprite Name, you will be removed from the Grey Tavern server and games. This is done to help protect the identities of all volunteers within The Grey Tavern to better keep the personal information of participants safe.
- In order to propose a Lower Majesty to a representative of your Jiniri or Jinn, you must have a complete Assembly gathered and rallied behind the cause of the Assembly’s chosen Lower Majesty. You must also present a plan for how the Lower Majesty will be accomplished. This plan should be no longer than a single page.
- Lower Majesties should take 4 weeks at a minimum to 3 months at a maximum to complete.
- Your Peris Assembly must be approved by a representative of your Jiniri or Jinn. If your Assembly must acquire a new member, that individual must also be approved by a representative of your Jiniri or Jinn.
- Your Jinn or Jiniri is the primary link between you and the community. As a Peris Assembly, you should never present your plan to local government or other community leaders except under the direction of a representative of your Jinn or Jiniri. Additionally, a Peris Assembly nor any of its members should never represent the Grey Tavern as an authorized spokesman for the company. That responsibility is for Jiniri, Jinn, and ranks higher than a House, not for Schools.
- The Lower Majesty your Assembly chooses should be one everyone in the Assembly wants to do. No one on the Assembly should be/feel coerced, pressured, or manipulated into joining an Assembly. Each member should be excited by the project and willingly volunteer.
- If coercion or manipulation is used to convince a member to join an Assembly, evidence should be presented first to the Assembly’s Judicator, who will judge the situation. Evidence includes pictured evidence and witnesses.
- If the Judicator is not able to make a decision or his or her judgment is called into question, J.R. Casimir should be contacted. The person who should contact Casimir if the Judicator’s judgment is called into question should be the Assembly’s Lord.
The members of a Peris Assembly are up to you. However, we strongly suggest that each member have a different Soul Color or Soul Element as all 4 Color types and all 4 Element types work together, respectively, extremely well.
Below are warnings that include the strengths and weaknesses of the various Color and Elemental types in Assembly collaboration in the two types of School structures: Ascendancies and Descendancies. We encourage you to use this guide to help you assemble an Assembly that will powerfully accomplish the Lower Majesties you all work toward.
It should be noted that every one of us has a Color and Element. This warnings guide is simply to help others see how to best work with an individual. This is not meant to increase discrimination as every Color and Element has very positive traits and very negative traits. This guide is here to help teams assemble themselves in a wise composition. This is another reason why your Assembly is very important and letting people into them without consulting a representative of your Jiniri or Jinn is not allowed.
General Positive and Negatives:
Color or Element |
Structure Performs Best In |
Red |
Ascendancy |
Positive |
A Red is a go-getter. They see a need, have a dream, or simply wish to accomplish a goal, and they have a gift of inspiring people to do the goal and tasks they ask them to do. They are very good at identifying the heart of a project, aim, or topic. They usually find the most respect and energy from providing those that follow them with the materials and praise needed for them to do their tasks. |
Negative |
Reds are drawn to any sense of gravity they feel. And all of them deserve the Red’s attention. This means that they bounce around to each gravity well, taking anyone who will go with them, instead of seeing goals and aims through to completion. |
Green |
Ascendancy |
Positive |
Greens are extremely good at processes. They know the rules and help an Assembly excel within them. They also are also good judges of a situation, being able to determine who the most competent individual is at a task. They organize things into their proper order so activities and projects can run as seamlessly as possible. |
Negative |
Greens can get stuck in a process because it is reliable and doesn’t require comprehension. If something new is introduced, they struggle to comprehend the hows needed to accomplish the goal or task. Although, they can usually sense the weight and importance of it, if the new idea or thing does have a weight or gravity to it. If they don’t like a project or idea, they can kill it using the process or rules. |
Blue |
Ascendancy |
Positive |
Blues excel at seeing the holes in an idea or process. They analyze everything. They seek to refine and improve the overall method of what is being done so it can be repeated and, most importantly, be easily comprehensible and valuable to anyone else who wants to analyze their work. This is incredibly valuable for helping a team to cut unnecessary facets, expectations, or processes of a project. |
Negative |
Blues can cut things to pieces. If they don’t understand something, they will halt a discussion or effort until they do. This can lower the morale of others in the Assembly or completely kill a project depending on the personalities of the other Assembly members. |
Purple |
Ascendancy |
Positive |
Purples are inspirers. They rally others and uplift them when they are discouraged or don’t see a way forward. Purples will often help carry the downtrodden’s load until the individual is uplifted and has energy of their own to finish the task. |
Negative |
If a Purple feels slighted, oh no. Their positive feelings about a situation, project, discussion, etc, will immediately turn negative. Unless the positive feelings can be restored, a Purple will use their abilities of inspiration and unity to turn people away from whatever or whoever caused the slight. |
Fire |
Descendancy |
Positive |
Fires also are very quick to identify the heart of a project, discussion, or thing and is drawn to that weight. They can use their Fire to light people with passion for the project. They use their vision and sense of structure and order to keep people on the path they can is necessary to accomplishing a task. Fires excel at being leaders of Descendancies. |
Negative |
Fires can too tightly control a project, leading others to be disimpassioned. Also, Fires can never do the same thing twice. This includes sharing their thoughts and concepts. They can often struggle to share what the concept is or the path of success because they’ve already burned through the conceptual material, and so it is nearly impossible for them to go back, especially if they are asked to repeat themselves. |
Earth |
Descendancy |
Positive |
Earths are patterned individuals. They see very little reason to ever reinvent the wheel because, yes it may have a few squeaks, but it works and has worked for a long time. This mindset is beneficial to a project because they are effective and efficient, and they help others to be so as well. Earths thrive as the organizers of Descendancies. |
Negative |
Earths can be too married to patterns and rules. They expect that everyone else knows the rules as they do and can become belligerent if someone ever attacks the rules. Earths can also feel uncomfortable with new concepts, especially. If it is something unfamiliar to them, they will become overwhelmed and typically not want anything to do with it. The way to help an Earth with something new is to break it up so it can be comprehended. |
Water |
Descendancy |
Positive |
Waters are extremely reactive. They go with the flow– seeing opportunities when they arise and being very intune with the physical world around them. They are fantastic interpreters who rely on their understanding of the world to inform their decisions and interpretations. They use this to smooth out ideas and efforts of the project. Waters find the most reward and joy in seeking ways to improve an initiative. |
Negative |
Waters are not structured. They do truly flow with their feelings, perceptions, and energies. They will have the hardest time keeping deadlines or offering consistent effort. This doesn’t mean they don’t believe in the project. Waters follow the bend and twist of the now, letting the future decide itself. |
Air |
Descendancy |
Positive |
Airs truly give an Assembly life. They unify the group behind the substance of a project, goal, or discussion and through their sensitivity to the feel of the room. They are the ones who stoke passion when it dwindles. It is Airs who remind and inspire the rest of the Assembly of the true and good heart of their goal when times get hard. Airs feel the most value helping their Assemblies where support is needed. |
Negative |
Airs will fill anything with air. Though they see the weight behind their Assembly’s goal, they don’t think in hows. Instead, they will try to treat a project or goal like a balloon. With all the good intentions of their heart (because they do have very good intentions), they will make the Assembly’s goal come to be, but if anyone taps it, it will pop which could lead to damaged relationships in the Assembly and with those the Assembly is working with. |
Each Color and Element is prone to certain actions and mindsets. This warning is also to help Animuses see where they will have the most benefit and where they will cause the greatest harm. It is also to help Animuses mitigate the weaknesses and detriments of their Assemblies. Assemblies will succeed the best if they truly understand each others’ strengths and weaknesses and work to rely on each others’ strengths to support and even cover each others’ weaknesses.
Simply, in a Descendancy, your Element is your strength and your Color is your detriment. This is opposite in an Ascendancy.
Red |
Reds are detrimental to Descendancies. They will completely take over a Descendancy Assembly. They will step all over the other members to make what they think should happen come to pass, but neglect the creation of necessary structures to help the descendancy move forward smoothly. |
Green |
Greens will halt the progress of a Descendancy by cornering the Assembly in rules until it can no longer move. They can do this and do it effectively if they do not want to do the project, goal, or task. |
Blue |
Blues will demoralize and paralyze a Descendancy. In their cold analysis, they will see every hole with everything. This is especially detrimental to Fires, who lead Descendancies. Blues can blow out the passion of a Fire faster than any other Color or Element. And when a Fire is disimpassioned, the whole Descendancy Assembly dies. |
Purple |
Purples can be beneficial to a Descendancy, but if slighted, they will lead to a hard and nasty downfall of an Assembly, 9 times out of 10 leading to Dissolution. If a Purple feels slighted, isn’t praised for admirable performance, or doesn’t agree with the direction of a Descendancy, they will make it their personal vendetta to destroy the Assembly. |
Fire |
Fires will snuff out an Ascendancy Assembly because they will micromanage everything. They will literally take the joy out of the experience and initiative if allowed to do this. |
Earth |
Earths are too inflexible for Ascendancy Assemblies. They will negatively reward Assembly members for trying something new or not agreed upon/practiced. They struggle to visualize the new and unfamiliar and will force everyone back to the patterned path, killing the initiative Ascendancies especially need to succeed. |
Water |
Waters will lead Ascendancies to dissolution. Ascendancies need to be as close to 100% sure of a decision as they can get before moving forward. That is why they need Blues to analytically cut up every decision, discussion, and thought. Waters rely heavily on their intuition rather than on true experts or data and so can be unreliable in Ascendancy structures. |
Air |
Airs will chaotically chase after what they feel is substantive, potentially taking their assembly with them instead of working appropriately with a Red. This is not needed or wanted in an Ascendancy because Airs will not explain themselves or their perception of what and how something has substance. This will lead to distrust of the others toward the Air, and the others will act as a three-person Assembly which is not sustainable. |
Who are the Jinn or Jiniri
The Jinn or Jiniri, or otherwise known as Elder Faeries, are those who oversee your School. They are constantly seeking Lower Majesties for Schools to complete. So, if you are struggling with ideas, they will have plenty for you. Also, when you propose your Lower Majesty, they will be weighing it against the ones they have lined up. They may ask you to do a different Lower Majesty if they think theirs will have a greater impact on the community and/or fit the interests of the School better.
They will also help you to manage relationships with community leaders and contacts as well as work with Lower Courts and Fey Studies.
School Roles
Roles and Hierarchy
The Master is the leader of your Assembly. This role should be filled with a Fire, if in a Descendancy, or Red, if in an Ascendancy, individual. This is because Fires and Reds excel at seeing the bigger picture. They can see what tasks and matters carry the most weight, influence, and options for success. As such, the Master is the member of your Assembly who holds the responsibility of deciding which tasks your Assembly will move forward with and which you will not. They should of course get the input of the Assembly, but the final decision rests with them.
If the rest of the Assembly feels that the direction the Master has decided on isn’t right or good, can escalate the issue to their Jinn or Jiniri. This should be done after discussing the issue and a resolution(s) as an Assembly at least once.
The Judicator is the judge and rulekeeper. This role should be filled by an Earth, if in a Descendancy, or a Green, in an Ascendancy, individual. This is because Earths and Greens care greatly about rules and structure. As such, they are usually the only ones that will read the rules and keep the group within the structure of success.
If disputes arise in an Assembly, particularly those of a procedural or interpersonal nature, the Judicator judges the case against rules and historical precedents. They are usually the best at judging situations unbiasedly. However, if bias or the other misuses of this power is suspected, the Lord should escalate the situation to their Jinn or Jiniri.
The Dean is the role of knowledge and perception in the Assembly. He or she should be a Blue or a Water. This is because those with this Color and Element are usually the most versed in or the most able to acquire knowledge. They tend to quickly find a voice of authority or a method of success quickly that others in the Assembly may have difficulty finding this information or lack a desire to go down an already proven path.
The Lord is the inspirer and often acts as the face of the Assembly. This role should be filled by an Air in a Descendancy and a Purple in an Ascendancy. This is because these individuals excel at interpersonal communication and relationship building. They keep the Assembly’s spirits high. They improve relationships with those who interact with them on Lower Majesties.
Key Master
The Key Master is the title your Peris Assembly holds in two instances:
- In a Descendancy, you hold this title during your first week in a Descendancy School. This is when you are the leaders of this Guild or Fief. During this week, you propose and get approval for your Lower Majesty.
- In an Ascendancy, you hold this title when you have obtained the highest and most competitive position at the top of your Craft or Domain. You will hold this title until you are defeated.
Lower Majesty
A Lower Majesty is also a title you receive when you are a Key Master. However, those in Descendancy Schools only hold the Key Master title for a week, but they retain the title of Lower Majesty until their Lower Majesty is completed.
A Lower Majesty primarily is the term used to refer to your Assembly’s goal, project, or aim. As each Lower Majesty differs in the various Schools, they will be described more in detail along with the break outs of the Schools.
Lower Court
The Lower Court are Assemblies who are desirous to help you with your Lower Majesty.
In a Descendancy, those of the Lower Court were the most recent Key Master and Lower Majesties that have completed their Lower Majesty efforts. They are the next level of progression through a Descendancy after Lower Majesty. They have decided on a speciality their Assembly wishes to focus on. In order to recruit Lower Court Assemblies to your cause or Lower Majesty, you need to propose the plan to them. They are motivated to help with Lower Majesties because they need to assist with at least 5 Lower Majesties or 5 Efforts.
Progression Path
School Rank |
Project Element |
# of Peris Assemblies in each Descendancy Tier |
# of Project Elements to Participate in to Progress |
Master/Judicator/Dean/Lord |
Project |
1 |
1 |
Journeymen and equivalent |
Efforts |
10 |
5 |
Craftsman and equivalent |
Focuses |
100 |
20 |
Fey Studies
Fey Studies are Assemblies who have completed their Lower Majesty and their time as Lower Courts. They are the most specialized Assemblies in your Guild or of Fief. They provide what are known as Focuses to a Lower Majesty.
Once Lower Courts join a Lower Majesty (this does not mean they join the Peris Assembly of those who proposed the Lower Majesty effort or cause. They simply volunteer to help the Lower Majesty Peris Assembly complete their Lower Majesty), they recruit Fey Studies with the skills that are needed for the Lower Majesty project or goal. In order for Fey Study Assemblies to progress to the rank of House, they must complete 20 Focuses. This means that they complete 20 different tasks that their speciality is needed for. These can all be in the same Lower Majesty or across many.
School Type 1: Guilds (Descendancy)
A Guild’s Lower Majesties are projects for the community. This can include making fantasy-themed outfits for a local orphanage, creating a set for the local high school play, assisting a struggling farm, etc. Guild Projects (Lower Majesty) should focus on the easing for fulfilling the needs of those who are struggling in a community whether that be a family struggling to make ends meet, a little league team struggling with morale, or making the day of a lonely elderly individual, adult, teenager, or child.
There are many needs whether they be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual that need addressing in a community.
Guild Peris Creature
The creature your Peris Assembly will be unlocking and developing is called a Peri.
A Project is a Lower Mastery of a Guild School. Peris Assemblies propose their project when they are at the top of a Descendancy and receive the title of Lower Majesty. A Project’s length should be 4 weeks minimum and 3 months maximum. A Peris Assembly cannot progress to a Lower Court until their Guild Project is complete.
Who you Report to
Within a Guild, you report to a Jiniri. However, Jiniri are difficult to meet with directy. As a Peris Assembly, you will either meet with a representative of the Jiniri or one of her daughters. Her daughter that is over Guilds is called Isis.
Isis can be contacted on the Grey Tavern Discord Server and games as can a Jiniri. But you must set an appointment to meet with a Jiniri. A representative of the Jiniri or Isis is called upon when interactions outside these platforms are required.
(NOTE: Above is the ideal way a Peris Assembly would report the progress of their Lower Majesty. Until these roles are filled, you will report to both Septimus Jack and J.R. Casimir.)
School Type 2: Craft (Ascendancy)
Description coming soon
School Type 3: Fief (Descendancy)
Description coming soon
School Type 4: Domain (Ascendancy)
Description coming soon