Production of artifacts are on hold and will not be shipped out

Donation Options

The Grey Tavern is a unique role-playing experience that focuses on bringing communities, friendships and families from all walks of spirit together in fun and imaginative ways. Every dollar donated to the Grey Tavern goes toward its ultimate vision of helping communities, friendships and families draw closer to each other as players embark on exciting and thought provoking quests through the familiar and the unfamiliar.

There are 4 donations one can select: 

Donate to the Grey Tavern effort as a whole to help in its societal commitment to help bring communities together and help local businesses grow.

Acquiring Leptons

Donations to The Grey Tavern also provide you with Leptons. Leptons are the primary currency of The Grey Tavern while within a Grey Tavern location.

Grey Tavern Donation Rewards:

The higher the donation, the greater the return in Grey Tavern Currency.

Grey Tavern Donation Conversion chart

Other Grey Tavern Coins

In addition to the Lepton, which is worth about as much as 2USD, there is also a "Dram", "Stater" & "Sheckel". The conversion breakdown for these coins are as follows:

Though the designs for these coins are fantastical and epic, they are treated as currency within Grey Tavern locations. Do not take coins that do not belong to you.

Collectable Coins

The Lepton, Dram, Stater & Sheckel retain their values from elemental season to elemental season, however, model & style of the coins themselves will change.


Tip your Grey Tavern Adventure Guide if you enjoyed your quest and appreciate the efforts of your party's Adventure Guide.

Tip your Grey Tavern Story Teller if you enjoyed the epic depiction of an adventurous tale.

All compliments are very welcome! The greatest assistance the Grey Tavern can be given are donations of whatever you feel can be offered to help bring new adventures, new systems, and new opportunities for growth to the Grey Taverns in your area.