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Character Reactions

Reactions are types of Reactions taken to protect oneself from the Actions of another and the various Approaches of those Reactions.

Reaction Types
Reaction Approaches
Reaction Chains
Record Favored Reaction Strings
Number of Approaches per Reaction Type
Reaction Type + Reaction Approach Examples

Reaction Types

Reaction Types are broad categories of ways to negate damage from an opponent.


A Defense Reaction is one made against an Assault Action.


Ignore Reactions should be defenses against Reason Actions.


Filtration Reactions counter Infiltration Actions.


Rejection Reactions provide a defense against Persuasion Actions.

Reaction Type Elements

Each Reaction Type has an associated Deflection, Resistance, and Vitality.


Deflection is your natural ability to deflect the harmful Action. Deflection is part of the calculation to determine if an Action misses you. 

Missed Action = Reaction Type Deflection + Reaction Approach Defense


    Resistance is your natural ability to not be affected by an Action. It is part of the calculation for damage.

    Damage = (Reaction Type Resistance of Action's target + Reaction Type Prevention of Action's target) - (Action Type Result of Action Taker + Action Approach Effect of Action Taker)

    Associated Vitalities

    The Vitalities associated with each Reaction Type indicate which Vitality Type is Harmed when an Action against you is successful and your Energy Type targeted in their attack is at 0. (See Harm)

    Reaction Approaches

    Reaction Approaches are the methods of enacting a Reaction Type.


    A Sturdy Approach is when one stands their ground through means such as armor or strong self esteem.


    A Bouncy Approach is slows a piercing attack before it is able to penetrate.


    A Hard Approach is to shield oneself or to stubbornly stand fast.


    A Flexible Approach bends and twists around an Action, almost seeming to roll with the harmful attacks but avoiding their affects.

    Reaction Approach Elements

    Each Reaction Type has an associated Defense, Prevention, and Energy.


    Defense is the ability a character has gained to avoid Action through training. It is part of the calculation for Missed Actions.

    Missed Action = Reaction Type Deflection + Reaction Approach Defense


    Prevention is a representation of a characters training in lowering or negating the damage of an attacking Action when it is successful.

    Damage = (Reaction Type Resistance of Action's target + Reaction Type Prevention of Action's target) - (Action Type Result of Action Taker + Action Approach Effect of Action Taker)

    Associated Energies

    The Energies associated with each Reaction Approach indicate which Energy Type is Exhausted when damage is inflicted.

    Reaction Chains

    Reaction Chains are the defensive half of combat or encounter. They are all the Reaction Types and Approaches you take in a single combat.

    Each Reaction taken results in Energy loss.

    Record Favored Defense Strings

    Defense Strings, like Attack Strings, are your favored combinations of Reaction Types and Reaction Approaches. For example, you may find the most success in a Bouncy Filtration Reaction. This would be a favored String if you only have one Approach per Reaction Type. If you have three Approaches, your String might be a Bouncy Filtration followed by a Hard Filtration and finishing with a Flexible Filtration.

    With Defense Strings, your Approaches in a single Reaction must all be paired with the same Reaction Type.

    Record your favored Defense Strings on the page below the Reaction section on your character sheet.

    The Number of Approaches per Reaction Type

    The number of Approaches per Reaction Type is according to your Society or Station, whichever is lower, plus 1.

    If a player has enough energy, a single Defense String may be performed multiple times in a single Reaction Chain.

    One thing to notice with the number of Approaches per Action vs per Reaction is that someone of a higher level will usually get more Action Approaches than you get Reactions meaning they deal free damage, unless they miss which is unlikely.

    For example, if a Pharaoh and a Cursed were fighting, a Pharaoh, who has four Action Approaches, would get to deal full damage twice since the Cursed can only React twice.

    Reaction Type + Reaction Approach Combination Examples

    Sturdy Defense

    Defending with a mixture of dodging the swinging axe and smooth armor.

    Bouncy Defense

    Defending through armor of a slightly absorptive nature like resins

    Hard Defense

    Defending through hard, thick armor that lessens the impact of a hammer.

    Flexible Defense

    Defending utilizing all the methods above to be able to resist all types of attacks.

    Sturdy Ignore

    You let the insult against your traditions hit, but smile and continue on with the tradition anyway.

    Bouncy Ignore

    A fellow councilor disagrees with your proposal. You deflect by asking another councilor what his or her thoughts are.

    Hard Ignore

    You grit your teeth and bear it.

    Flexible Ignore

    A naysayer of your opinion seeks to talk over you, but you keep talking using him to your advantage as you explain a point to the king all while not acknowledging him.

    Sturdy Filtration

    You carry smelling salts and other tools to cleanse your sensors that you apply when something seems off.

    Bouncy Filtration

    You meditate to give your mind time to interpret what your physical perceptions are telling you.

    Hard Filtration

    You protect you antennae with hard covers when you think you're about to enter an overwhelming situation.

    Flexible Filtration

    You identify the person who seems to have the best handle on the situation and orient yourself to their perceptions until your senses return to normal.

    Sturdy Rejection

    With a sincere thank you for the alternate perspective, you turn down the offer and return to your own project.

    Bouncy Rejection

    You have a mantra you say to yourself whenever you feel personally unstable.

    Hard Rejection

    You tell them "No" and walk away.

    Flexible Rejection

    You don't follow the path the person wishes you to go down, but you point him in the direction of someone else.